Recently I participated in a fund raising effort to help Kristie and I came away the winner of two items in her raffle. (pictured on either side of this post). I'm raffling them again to help her raise more funds. For every contribution to Kristie's campaign between today and August 17th you can have a chance to win one of these prizes. I'd like to see Kristie's total increased by $400 in one week. For every $10 contributed is worth one entry in the drawing.
These are nice prizes folks. And worth much more than $10 each.
CLICK HERE for to make your donation and be entered into the drawing.
WAIT!!! There's more.
- Share this post on your Facebook timeline and get an extra entry in the drawing.
- Share a link to this post in an email and get another extra entry. Put Kristie's email in the BCC so she will know you did it. regakr01@yahoo.com
- Share this post on Twitter and get yet one more extra entry. @riantrunner
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