
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Today's run was more notable for what did not happen than for what did. I DID NOT bail on it. Which was tempting and I almost did have myself talked out of it.

On weekdays I am more likely to do my schedule workout if I plan it for after work. On weekends however if I can't do it first thing I often bail. Today I had 3 miles planned. Then my sister called and suggested we take dad out for breakfast (it's Father's day). I had no trouble saying yes. Family always comes first.

However, every since she suggested it I've been wondering if I would get the run. To do so before breakfast would have meant getting out at 7 am. However when I went to bed last night I was skepticaly that I would manage to get up early. I set the alarm for 8 and figured I'd take my chances. If I woke up early I'd go. I woke up at 7:45. Ok it is what it is.

I had pretty much talked myself into just running tomorrow instead. Realistically though I've been enjoying Mondays off and knew it wouldn't happen. It was today or not at all I knew that. So after breakfast at Nudy's I came home did a few chores and changed into running clothes and off I went. YAY me.

It was not a pretty 3 miles. No soreness or stiffness (thankfully) but just a little sluggish. No big deal I had a great day yesterday and today should be a slow recovery run anyway. It was all about finishing.

So I managed all my miles this week - 19. The weekday miles were not 3-3-3 as planned but over the course of the three days total I did all 9 of them.

Next week it's 21. 9 during the week and 12 on the weekend (8 and 4).

Happy Father's day to any father's that read this.

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