
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Half Done What's Next?

Mission accomplished. I trained, I ran, I finished. So what's next? Hiking. Lots and lots of hiking. Mostly trail hiking but some urban hiking too. Some of my favorite hikes are waiting for my return and a ton of new ones are out there too.

I'd like to try to maintain a 3 to 5 mile run/walk fitness as well. Training for the half reminded me that I don't enjoy the distance training. I have to admit, though, that it wasn't all horrible. There were days were the run felt good. Mostly the shorter ones :). So I plan to try to throw in a run/walk effort every few weeks. I'm done with distance running events though. If I do anything after this is will be smaller fun event like Laps for Lexi.

I'm also going to take advantage of the workout room at our office and try to get into a regular routine of body-weight training a time or two a week. As tired as I am after work some days, I always felt good when I went to our group boot camp sessions. And Maggi if you are reading this that was a not so subtle hint. ;) Only if you are so inclined of course.

Besides trying to hold my aging body together for the long haul, the only things left on my fitness bucket list are a trail race and an all day (or multi day) hike/walk. The trail race doesn't have to be anything major or fancy and it could easily be accomplished locally at Tyler Aboretum or Ridley Creek State Park. The all day (or multi-day) hike/walk is something I'd just put together for myself. Finding a friend or two to join me would be icing on that cake.

Keep Smiling Keep Moving.

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