
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Are thumb holes in sleeves functional or just a fashion statement? Or both?

The sleeve in question
The shadows an
unintentional bonus
Dave returned from his PIAA convention earlier this month with a long sleeved half zipper pullover for me. It's quite comfortable. It's not too heavy so it will come in handy for fall hiking when it's not quite jacket weather. It should also work well on days like today when I anticipate needing protection from climate controlled environments.

I just don't know what to do with the thumb holes. Do they serve a purpose or are they simply a funky fashion thingy**?

If they are a fashion thingy, then I feel like an impostor using them. I don't deliberately try to be out of sync in matters of style but it should be obvious to most that I don't have much sense in that department.

Another dilemma (for me, anyway) is that as a statement of style, I have a vague sense that thumb holes belong to the younger generation. My social anxiety voice tells me that using them will subject me to scrutiny for trying to be something I am not. On the other hand, they've been around long enough that perhaps they are not considered trendy anymore which makes them perfect for me. 😵

As I type this with thumbs through thumb holes, I can see a real advantage to something like this in my office where the air is arctic 24/7/365. It's difficult to use a keyboard or a mouse with gloves on. Yes, I've tried. I've tried finger-less gloves as well and find them uncomfortable. Perhaps a zip up hoodie with thumb holes in the sleeves is the answer! Something to think about.

I welcome your thoughts on function vs fashion. ** And bonus high fives for anyone who can come up with a suitable synonym for THINGY that begins with "F".

Keep Smiling Keep Moving


  1. I think if it SERVES a function, it should be considered functional. If it is also fashionable, well, that is a bonus. :) But in five years, will it still be fashionable? Probably not. Will your hands still be warmer and your sleeves stay down? Probably yes. So I think functionality wins here.

    Also, you might be able to say "feature" instead of "thingy" but IDK if that really fits with the flow of the sentence the way you intended?

  2. "feature" is a great word for that sentence. Thank you! :)
