
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Gorgeous day; great company; a completed run

I wasn't expecting much out of today' run. My last run 10 Miles on the Perkiomen Trail two was weeks ago. I had planned to take the week after that off. However, this week was a bit of a surprise. I must have hugged one too many people at Dad's memorial service last Saturday and brought a head cold home with me. 

I went to work on Monday but it was all downhill from there. On Tuesday, I called out sick. Actually, I texted out sick. I do not take sick days often. My job is such that I can usually muddle through with a head cold and since I have my own office within the office I can keep the germs to myself. But the head ache and congestion was significant this time so I stayed home, medicated at regular intervals, watched Star trek Voyager reruns and slept a lot. By Wednesday, I wasn't 100% (I got winded walking up the steps) but I was well enough to go back to work. 

Each day since ha been a little bit better but this morning I was still coughing a little and clearing my throat regularly. But I needed to try. So off I went to try 7 miles at Forbidden Drive. 

There are not enough great words to describe how beautiful the weather is today. It was a horribly rainy and humid week and this week coming up is going to be hot and humid. But today... was a Mary Poppins kind of day - practically perfect in every way. :) 

Perki and I met David at the Northwestern Avenue entrance to Forbidden Drive and began the trek to mile 3.5. I new from the first interval that it was going to be a rough one. I could not breath properly at all. I slogged along on the run interval and struggled to get my breathing under control. :( 

I hadn't seen David for a few weeks and was looking forward to hearing about his Ragnar Race from the first week in June. He and 11 others ran relay legs totaling 200 miles through Ontario, Canada. They went through Toronto and ended up at Niagara Falls. David ran three legs - including the final leg which was challenging enough to earn him TWO medals. 

We passed the 2.5 marker and I was really struggling to breath. By the way, my legs were fine I just couldn't seem to get enough oxygen. I decided that I would evaluate at mile 3 and possibly turn around there instead of 3.5. Not sure how - because trust me my eyes were glued to the side of the trail looking for the marker - but we missed the 3. Suddenly we were at the 3.5 and I let out a WOO HOO that was way louder and more enthusiastic than was necessary. I think I scared the runner coming toward us. 

I fist bumped the marker and we headed back. I need to take three extra walk breaks on the way back but I managed to finish all 7 miles. 

Keep Smiling and Keep Moving

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