Today I had 9 miles on my schedule. At 8 am I was at the Northwestern Avenue entrance to Forbidden Drive with John T., Julius, Maggi & Russ. We waited until just a few minutes after 8 for three others who said they might be there then we took off.
John T at our turn around
The 4 1/2 mile marker |
John T did the whole 9 miles with me. I was very grateful for his company once again. Long miles (any miles really) are better with friends. Today the temps were again near the freezing mark but unlike last week there was very little wind. The skies were overcast and snow was predicted. Running in snow is a nice experienc. At Forbidden Drive even more so. The trail winds along the Wisahickon Creek on one side and steep slopes on the other side with paths leading up to more rugged trails. We stayed on the 'lower' trail today. We never got the snow. We did get showered with something that was a cross between hail and packing peanuts however. It stuck to some of the less tree covered portions of the trail.
Packing peanut snow |
I was feeling very sluggish this morning. My legs felt like lead and my breathing was labored. Part of the breathing was our pace. It was faster than I would have gone on my own. I fell a few steps behind John in a few places but caught up on the walk portions. The second half of the run went much smoother for me and as a result felt like it was faster. I don't think it was but I was feeling better and that's good enough. I felt some tightness in the back of my right knee around mile 8 but it didn't last long. The uneveness of the path could have contributed to that. I did some stretches when I got home as usual.

When we arrived at the trail today we saw this young man on his unicylce. I took this photo about an hour and 40 minutes or so later about a half mile from the end of our run. While we were running he was riding the unicylce - not on the lower trail where we were - but up in the hills alongisde us. I've run up there. It's full of rocks and tree roots. It's a 'real' trail. I can't wrap my head around how he does it! The gentleman in the photo with him rode a two wheel bicycle up and down the lower trail. They were together. The older man is likely the unicylde rider's ride home. :)
Valley Green Inn
2.5 miles from the start/end of our run |
As I type this (it's 6 pm) and I'm feeling a little yukky. Achy mostly. I really hope I'm not coming down with something. Although if I am that would help explain my sluggishness this morning. I felt better running into the wind last week than in no wind today. Hopefully a good night sleep will take care of whatever it is.
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