
Monday, August 3, 2009

Resetting my goals

The decision to do Goofy changes my approach to training. I have three formal runs (aka races) for the remainder of 2009; Distance Run (13.1) on Sept 20, Bridge Challenge (10k) on Nov 1 and the Philadelphia Half (13.1) on November 22. My primary goals there will still be to finish and have fun. My approach to them will change however. Instead of taking off the Saturday before these races, I will run. Goofy is two days of running back to back so I have to build up my tolerance for that and most importantly work on my recovery between days.

I'm trying to work out a schedule now that has me running back to back on Saturday and Sunday and 5 miles on Wednesdays. If I struggle for the full back to back miles I'll try to make up on Wednesday so that I'll have at least the minimum that I've set for each week. I'll be working up to 33 knowing that I have to do 39.3 for Goofy.

Tuesdays and Thursdays will be gym days. These will be combination of an aerobic workout either on the elliptical or bike and an upper body/core workout. No treadmill so as to save the pounding on my joints and leg muscles. Monday and Friday will be rest days on either side of the back to back days. The next five weeks will be difficult for consistency with work trips and vacation so I'll focus those weeks on just getting miles in as much as I can and trying to maintain my current state. If I can get in 20 miles per week those weeks I'll be very happy.

I'm about ready for new shoes. Between now and the Goofy I could easily put in 500 miles so I'm going to buy two pair now and start alternating them so I'll have two pair ready for Goofy. I'll break them in over vacation since I'm sure those weeks will be low mileage but should be enough to do the job.

I really must wrap my head around the fueling issues. I'll have many weekends to figure that out though. I also have to check more closely into the Galloway method since it's likely run/walk may be the best way to get through this.

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