Monday - 36 minute ladder workout with YAYOG. It consisted of push ups, one legged dead lifts, swimmers, and squats with a twist to each side before coming back up.
Tuesday - Happy New Year. I ran 5 miles today. I wanted to make sure I took it easy today. This is supposed to be a recovery day and my previous Tuesdays - although I felt ok- I think were faster than they should have been. I spent most of the run with a friend I haven't seen since November. Due to injury she needed to walk more than we usually do but that was fine by me. We got to catch up and kept my pace down. Caroline wanted to do 4 today and I wanted to do 5 so I left her near the end (others had taken up with her by then) so I could get my five done. That last mile and a half felt really good. I was relaxed and comfortable. I pushed the pace in the last mile- as evidenced by my breathing - but the rest of me was fine with it. Garmin Stats
Wednesday - Yoga class today. I'll be doing this at least for the next four weeks. By then the sunset may have shifted enough to do more bike riding on Wednesday nights.
This was my third ever yoga class. In the first one I was totally lost. It was not really a beginner class and I didn't know what the instructor was talking about most of the time. The second time I tried too hard and was very sore the next day. I actually hurt. So tonight I tried to find balance between doing the poses as best I could without going too far. I feel better than I did immediately after the other class. Tomorrow will be the real test. I'll let you know.
Thursday - I made a decision to modify my Thursday workout just a little to help with my Moon Jogger challenge. Instead of just 60 minutes every Thursday, I'm going to make it a minimum of 60 minutes or 5 miles whichever happens last. On a good day - no walk breaks - I can do 5 miles in 60 minutes. On days I'm feeling like a slug ( or somewhere in between ) I'll keep going to 5 miles even if it takes longer than an hour.
Tonight was a hill workout night. I decided to run a warm up route of approximately 3 miles ending up at the 8th street hill. Then run 1 minute run up-30 second walk down intervals up the hill. Once I got to the top walk back down and repeat the intervals three times. Then finish off the time/miles running home.
I wanted to keep an easy pace on the warm up route but didn't know if I wanted to do a specific run/walk interval. I had an idea to use heart rate instead. That didn't work real well though. When the HR got too high I switched to walk and the reading went blank then started going all over the place. It might be that it was too early in the run. The device probably needs time to smooth out the readings. So forget that. Instead I used my breathing as the barometer to keep my pace even and not too hard. I ran the rest of the way except for a longer than expected traffic light crossing at State and Providence.
So at the hill I stopped myself and the watch long enough to set up my Gymboss to the desired interval. The only flaw in my plan is that in one minute I was 3/4 up the hill already! So I bagged the interval idea and decided to just run up and walk down 5 times. Garmin details
Saturday Saturday was a bust although I get credit for going out and for being smart enough to go home when it became obvious I should. You can read about it here. The Garmin details are all goofy because I came home and forgot to turn it off. Then it picked up again when I was at RCSP on Sunday.
So week 4 of the first 6 week segment is done! I feel awesome. I don't feel like this was a tedious or boring or a struggle really. I think the variety is helping a lot. I may have to break down and get a indoor trainer for the bike. If these snow squalls are going to be common this winter it's going to eat into my bike time and I'm afraid I won't be ready to start really training for the century ride if I don't put in the time now.
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