
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Laps For Lexi 2020

This year's Laps For Lexi could be subtitled "Singing in the Rain". Or at least it could be here in Media, PA. And since the event is virtual this year due to CV19, I did my laps in my own neighborhood. 

Here a photo of me at the end. 

My 1 mile route took me 2 laps around my neighborhood block. I prefer looped routes but I thought laps were appropriate today and if it weren't for the rain I might have gone to the local middle school for 4 laps around the track because well, Laps 4 Lexi, get it? Ok, moving on...

Lexi loved the color purple so I wore the only purple shirt I own. The words you can't see on the shirt say "Old Enough to Know Better, Young Enough Not to Care". Appropriate given the weather, I thought. 

Lexi also loved Care Bears. My bear's name is ALGEE. ALGEE is not a trademarked Care Bear. ALGEE is the mascot for Mental Health First Aid. A different kind of care bear. ALGEE kept me company for my walk. 

I probably looked a little silly hugging a bear while walking the rain. I would have welcomed the opportunity to explain. 💜💜

Lexi Speight was an exuberant and hilariously funny 8-year old.  After complaining of a "tummy ache" Lexi was diagnosed with liver cancer and died just 12 weeks later.  There were no other indications -- the doctors called it an unexplainable "lightning strike."

Since Lexi's death in 2010, over 7,000 people have participated in the Laps for Lexi annual 5K run/walk that raises money for both pediatric cancer and a scholarship in Lexi's name. It’s more than just the money raised. Laps for Lexi has energized a community; They’ve raised awareness about children’s cancer; They’ve helped improve the quality of life of children. 

Please consider a donation so other children and their families can Keep Smiling and Keep Moving. . ( Running, walking or singing in the rain is optional! 


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