
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fall Running on Forbidden Drive

Without an event to train for
I allowed myself to take my phone on this run.
And it was a photo worthy outing. 
If you have been following my ramblings lately --- thank you for that, by the way --- you may recall I made a commitment to keep running. Not a lot but enough to maintain a level of get up and go that let's me run 3-5 miles.

It will be 4 weeks tomorrow since the OCNJ race. it seemed like a good time to run again. So today I tested myself and ran at Forbidden Drive on the Wissakickon creek. With 30 minute walk and 1 minute run intervals I managed 5 miles. Out to Valley Green Inn and back.

I believe there are a number of factors at play here.

I had great company. Maggi ran with me. I warned her at the start that I need to run my own pace and I'm slower than mud. She knows that and she knows she can move off from me and I won't be upset but I felt the need to say it out loud anyway. As it was we stayed together. The fact that she rocked a weight lifting workout two days ago worked in my favor. Thanks Maggi! It's been a long time since we ran together.

The weather was perfect. Low to mid 50s and clear skies. I probably should have brought cover for my ears. The creek and the fall foliage provided a beautiful backdrop to the run.

I am not training for an event. There was no pressure to complete 5 miles at all let alone well. But I succeeded on both counts. We set out to do at least 3 allowing that we could walk the last 2 if need be and ended up run/walking all 5. I won't say it was effortless (I'm not that kind of runner) but it was enjoyable and did not hurt.

Keep Smiling Keep Moving

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