If you can't have snow falling (think blizzard) for your birthday, having snow on the ground from the third significant snowfall in a week the day before is pretty darn good. :) The snow on the ground made for an awesome trail run at Ridley Creek State Park as well.
I had originally planned to meet some friends at 8 am for 54 minutes ('cause I'm 54 today get it?) on the Blue Trail at RCSP. Last night, however, the forecast showed rain through 8 am. I messaged my friends that as much as I wanted company I really did not want to run in a cold rain. As it turned out, about 8:30 a.m. this morning the sun was shining brightly so off I went.
The park was open but not all of its road were. The road to picnic area #9 where the Blue Trail leaves in a lollipop loop was closed. I headed to the mansion parking lot instead. I grabbed the park map and plotted a route that took me on the yellow-white-blue and back to yellow again instead.
Most of the trails in the lower parts of the park looked like this. The ice was covering pockets of cold water. My feet were numb within 10 minutes. After a while I didn't notice anymore. |
Many of the trails had been visited before me by the park wildlife. It made me smile to see how they followed the path. I saw few hearty birds along the trails but nothing bigger. |
The best parts though were the unbroken trail sections just waiting for me! Here began a longish section of flat and gentle climbs which meant I could run the whole stretch.
My natural slowness was made slower by the snow and the fact that I haven't been running a lot or very long lately. It took me almost an hour and a half to go just over 3.5 miles. The downhills were tough due to the slippery wet snow and the uphills well they are uphills! :) Still I got my heart rate up and gave my legs a good workout and my feet have forgiven me now that they are warm again.
I have a long way to go to Tyler 10K but I'll get there.
I saw very few people and none of them on the trails. I came off the trail onto the multi-use trail at one point and a gentleman making his way along that path said "You got your chains on?". "As a matter of fact, I do" I said and lifted my foot so he could see. The look on his face was priceless. We both smiled and went on our way.
Oh and as for not running in the rain? The sun was melting the ice off the trees at a fantastic rate. I was 'rained' on most of the way. But with the sun shining through the trees and everything so sparkly it was ok. I was drenched when I got home but very happy.
Tomorrow is a rest day. Tuesday we are going out for my birthday dinner. Hopefully I'll get out again Wednesday either to the trail at Haverford College or to do some hill work in Media.
Happy Snowbirthday from me to you!
Happy Birthday, Aunt Paula! I remembered that you had hoped for snow on your birthday! I'm glad you had some! :)