Today I did my wander walking at
Okehocking Preserve with my friend Maggi. We have been trying to get to this place for a weeknight run for probably close to 9 months now. For one reason or another we couldn't make it at the same time or the weather bonked -- all kinds of reasons. I'm not walking these days and I suggested if she didn't mind could we try again this week. Today was the day.

What a great place! Crushed gravel or grass or dirt paths meandering over rolling hills, around meadows and along two creeks. I suppose if one went there often enough you could get a feel for where all the trails led (or if you took the map with you). I think we had a better time just wandering around seeing where we ended up. There were a few trails that we skipped making notes to go back when the weather was cooler and we could wear long pants and sleves and protect against tics. It was close to 90 today.

I enjoyed the walk and look forwrad to going back there again. I also discovered via the Internet that there are a number of these preserves around Chester and Delawer County. I have a lot of 'sploring to do! Here are a few pictures. You can see more photos if you visit
my blog's FB page.
Very pretty - serene even!