The concept for the group is to pledge as a team or an individual to run or walk 1000 miles in 2013. Folks can also pledge as an ultimate participant to go 2013 miles in 2013. Ashley and Angie decided that this is a walking and running group so bike, swim or go-cart miles are not counted in the totals. I signed on for 1000 miles as an individual. After I signed up, I figured I'd better see if my training plan would fit. I did a rough caculation of my expected miles in training for Bob Potts and it came to just 4 miles shy of where I'd need to be at the end of May to make 1000 by the end of the year. The challenge, then, will be getting enough miles in the next 7 months when I switch my emphasis to biking in preparation for the Century ride in September. The goal will keep me on my feet!
I also love that a group of strangers can come together to do something like this. The participants in the virtual group are from all over the world. The New Zealanders have already posted their first miles of the year! Several of them did mignight runs. There is a man from Kamploops, BC! That's where Carmen and Todd and the boys live. What are the chances I'd 'meet' someone else from there. I love it!
Ashley and Angie have encouraged people to post pictures of themselves labeled with their hometown on Facebook. I used a funny photo (above) from a few years ago when Dave and I visited the Hagley Museum and Dupont Library. When we took this photo I had no idea there would be such a fun use for it. Never underestimate the need for goofy photos of yourself!
I love this whole idea. I learned about it when Helen, one of my running buddies, posted it to Facebook yesterday. I wish I had noticed it sooner. If I had, I would have recruited some of my family members to join me on a team. A few years ago my sisters - Katie, Meg and Christine - had our own virtual trek across the United Staes on the American Discovery Trail. If I remember correctly we did manage to get to California in just about a year. My niece, Cara, has recently taken up running and I'm sure she would have joined the team as well. And heck we could all use a little motivation to excercise more! Maybe next year. :)
what a neat idea! good luck in 2013! Happy New Year!