I was really pleased with my run today. We were scheduled for 9. I settled for 8.5 which is the distance of the loop around MLK Blvd and Kelly Drive from the Art Museum to Falls Bridge. This loop has not been my friend in the past. And the heat predictions were not helping me to look forward to it.
Today though the miles flew by. I was surprised each time my garmin chimed another mile. We decided to run 2 and 1 intervals (we've been doing 3:1). The conditions made 2:1 a good choice and I'm certain that made the difference at the end. I was able to pick up the pace at the end instead of dragging my butt across the finish. I wanted to run the last mile complete but opted instead to stay with one of our new Phillyfitters. She had planned to do 7 today but instead of turning around she decided to keep going with us instead. I didn't want to abandon her while she was doing more than planned on such a brutal day.
Besides the shorter intervals hydration made a big difference. I wore my Cameback today and besides holding more water than the waist pack it really does keep it colder. I ran out just at the end of the run and the colder water felt really good. I took an electrolyte capsule BEFORE the run and one again at the Falls Bridge. No dizziness today and I don't feel like I have to crash for a nap either. I was happy to be finished the run and I feel like I managed it well.
I also think I have an advantage over most people with the heat. We are in day ten of the heat wave. I know most of the group has been running and walking and biking despite the weather but I'm one of a very few people around who do not have air conditioning at home and I do not use it in the car when I'm alone.
Too feel this good on a day like this is a good sign. A very good sign. It could mean I didn't go out hard enough ....... but I'm confident that's not the case. I know we kept a good pace during the run intervals.
I am a big pest about intervals but I think the 2:1 is smart even when it isn't boiling. My best ratio is 2:30 to 1 and today I switched to 3:1 because of who I was running with. In the end we bumped down to 2:30 and I think we might have been happier with 2! Even so, we finished at a pace that was good (for me anyway) on a normal day so to do it today was extra great. I was readyto stop at the end but overall felt great and my discomfort was more about lack of fuel than the heat.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting. I'm glad you had a good run too! I may have to rethink 3:1. I did 2:30 to 1 with you guys on 4th of July and that was a good run too!