When I first planned out my miles for preparing for the Brandywine End to End Hike, I had hoped to get to 10 miles before Memorial Day weekend. Allergies, weather and fatigue caused me to miss a hike or two so I backed off hoping to get to 9 for this weekend.
Dave and I drove two cars out the French Creek Elementary School this morning. We left the Fit there and then proceeded to Chantilly Lane bus shelter to begin our respective hikes. By way of the Horse Shoe Trail I expected to cover 9.4 miles hiking back to the school. I wanted 9 for today but there was no good spot to leave a car at the 9 mile mark and I did not want to go out and back so 9.4 it is (or was planned).
Us before heading out on our respective hikes |
Shortly after crossing route 100, the trail took a detour. I'm still trying to find out why. A few yards into the detour I had to climb over a very large downed tree. I had to sit on it and swing my legs over to get past it. I could tell the detour likely added some distance to my hike but it took me alongside the lake at Welkinweir Nature Preserve so that was nice.
Very shortly after this, I heard a branch crack behind me and turned to see what was going on. Coming straight at me were 6 horses. Five of them had riders and the sixth was carrying gear and some agricultural product I could not identify. I believe they came from the very large farm that the trail was passing by at this point. I stepped aside and let them by. I was so surprised and mesmerized by them that I didn't get a photo.
Not then anyway. Further down the trail, just past the
NRT marker on the Horse Shoe Trail the group had stopped. It sounded like they were chatting with someone in the field on the right of the trail. I stopped a few yards back and waited for the back rider to notice me. I didn't want to call out and spook the horses. After about a minute she noticed me and encourage the group to move farther into the field off the trail so I could pass by. This time I took a photo after I passed them.

I figured that was the last I'd see of them since just beyond was yet another downed tree that I had to climb over. The horses were not going to make that. However, just as I approached the end of my hike, they approached me from behind again. I said "Hello, again. How did you get past that tree?" The woman said they ended up going through the field. I let them pass once more and here is a photo of them heading down Coventryville Road. The school where my car was parked is just to the right and the trail veers back in to the woods a little way down on the left.
I ended up with 10.2 miles today. My pace was slightly off the cutoff for the End to End Hike but given the downed trees, the detour and the humidity today, I'm ok with that.
Keep Smiling Keep Moving - Paula